Covered topics:
- PSQGIS organizational Issues
- Web mapping with QGIS
- Future goals
Organizational Issues
- Peter Keum suggested we discontinue dues on but collect money in person.
- Peter also suggested we set aside time to discuss topics for meetings.
Web Mapping - The Group
- Stu Smith lead a group exploration of the qgis2web plugin.
- His map had a Google terrain basemap and a point layer of orca whale sitings.
- The plugin can publish as OpenLayers 3 or Leaflet
- Evan Derickson explained:
- The OpenLayers framework came first and has tons of features.
- The Leaflet framework came later and is designed to get most of the features while using fewer resources. Leaflet feels snappier.
- Evan Derickson explained:
- Run the Plugin from the Web menu.
- Select the layers that you want to include.
- It Doesn’t seem like the Google basemap will work as it doesn’t show up in the preview window.
- There are other basemaps to choose from. You can select multiple basemaps and the web page will let the user choose among them.
- Select an output folder.
- “Mapping library location”:
- Choose local if you want to have the library locally or choose CDN if you want to get the library from the project web site.
- CDN may result in a faster loading page, due to superior web host qualities and if the user is using the same library from multiple sites it may be pre-cached.
- There are lots of map elements to choose from.
- Leaflet has a always displayed legend and OpenLayers 3 has a rollover pop-up legend.
- Export sends the files needed to host your map to the directory you’ve selected.
- Leaflet has a bug, and requires the use of a transparent border for rendering polygons without visible borders. Not drawing the border at all prevents the map files from being created.
- Creates the data as a javascript snipit not exactly a geojson file
- Other plugins
PSQGIS’s Plans for the future:
- Document an entire work flow from OSM data to a finished product.
- Create a translation guide from ESRI ArcMap to QGIS.
- Reach out to students and non-profits.
Suggestions for next month:
- Clifford Snow will go through different ways to extract OSM data.
- Use Overpass to get real time data for specific tags.
- Stu Smith will demo Time Manager Plugin