Covered Topics:
- Time Manager
- QGIS 3 Beta Release - Including 3D
- Mapbox Studio Styles
The January meeting was again held at Interim CDA. Thanks again for their generous use of their conference room.
Clifford Snow: Demonstrated a time series map he created using Time Manager
Paul McCombs: Demonstrated a recent build of QGIS 2.99 (3.0 beta version) running on an Ubuntu 17.10 virtual machine. Paul could not find a version that would run on his Mac newer than September 2016. Paul was able to load the beta based on instructions found on Stack Exchange. The answer with the green check mark has the good stuff, with the exception that installing “python-qgis” did not work. It’s unclear what that should have done. Of interest was the fact that an Esri File GeoDatabase (gdb) was accessible from the browser with no other configuration. Clifford’s earlier assessment that there just weren’t enough plugins was deemed to be accurate by the group. The group discussed that documentation of any kind on version 3.0 seemed hard to find, particularly anything newer than mid year 2017.
Michael Patrick: Demonstrated a 3D View on a recent windows build of QGIS 2.99. He was using a virtual image of land sat data. He was able to install and set up the view during the time of the event. He had good things to say about an MSI laptop he recently acquired and was not able to use his cool 3D mouse with QGIS.
Peter Keum: Demonstrated importing Mapbox Studio styles into QGIS as a base map.
If anyone has corrections or additions they would like to make to these notes please let Paul McCombs know, or submit a pull request on github