April '18 Meetup Minutes

10 Apr 2018

Covered Topics:

The April meeting was held at Interim CDA. Thanks again for their generous use of their conference room.

Multipoint Shape File

Clifford came in with a multipoint layer sourced from a shape file that wasn’t working with the shp2osm.py script he found. He need to make it into a single point layer. The group worked together to determine that he could open the shape file in QGIS and then use the Multipart to Single Part option from the Geometry Tools sub-menu on the Vector menu.

Federal and State ArcGIS Basemaps

Stu had a follow-up to last month’s basemap topic. Mappingsupport.com has published a basemap clearing house for Federal and State Esri ArcGIS servers. More details are available in Stu’s Basemaps & Map Services document.

Nearest Neighbor

Stu demonstrated a plugin he had found to perform the nearest neighbor analysis, NNJoin.

Pairwise Comparision

Stu wanted to consider a related problem not addressed by NNJoin, distance from each feature to every other feature or pairwise comparision.

If anyone has corrections or additions they would like to make to these notes please let Paul McCombs know, or submit a pull request on github