This curriculum is a series of five volumes on the topic of using QGIS open source software. The intended purpose of these volumes is to provide detailed instructions that can be used as curriculum in GIS classes. Special attention has been paid to English syntax so the text can be easily translated into other languages. Currently the text is available in English and Vietnamese.
Volume One, How to use Geographic Information Systems to monitor outcomes of health care research and projects, is an introduction to QGIS open source software intended for the first-time user of GIS software.
Volume Two, An introduction to using open source GIS software with remote sensed images, introduces the use of QGIS for analyzing forest coverage changes using Landsat remote sensed images.
Volume Three, Using QGIS and Landsat Images to Monitor Seasonal Crop Development, is intended for users having basic familiarity with the use of GIS software but who are not necessarily proficient in using QGIS. The instructions in this volume will direct the learner using a case study that follows the growth of a corn crop from planting through harvesting by analyzing selected Landsat images.
Volume Four, Using QGIS and Remote Sensed Images to Analyze Land Use, teaches the use of QGIS software for analyzing land use and land coverage characteristics by classifying values in remote sensed images according to patterns of interest to the user.
Volume Five, Using QGIS for Watershed Mapping, uses maps to explore the many attributes that describe the characteristics of a watershed such as boundaries, river systems, dams and reservoirs, hill-shading, elevation contours, and rainfall patterns.